Nave: A Terracotta Tile System for Sustainable Cooling

Reviving Tradition for Modern Comfort

Nave is a terracotta tile system combined with water flow, used to cool indoor spaces in desertic environments. Inspired by traditional cooling solutions, this innovative design offers a sustainable and energy-efficient alternative for green buildings.

Inspired by the work of Egyptian architect Hassan Fathy, designer Yael Issacharov sought to create a cooling system that would benefit the people living in desertic environments. The result is Nave, a terracotta tile system that combines traditional cooling methods with modern technology.

The main cooling method used in Nave is based on the Palestinian Jara, a traditional terracotta water container that was hung from the ceiling of a room to cool drinking water and chill the space. By integrating this concept into a tile system, Nave brings the benefits of traditional cooling to a wider audience.

What sets Nave apart is its focus on sustainability and local design. The terracotta tiles are manufactured using plaster molds and slip casting technology, ensuring a consistent and efficient production process. The system operates on minimal energy and water consumption, making it an ideal choice for green buildings.

Nave offers three variations: wall tiles, partitions, and a totem vertical cooling body. Each wall/partition tile measures 250mm x 15mm x 500mm, maximizing efficiency with a surface area of 3820 cm². The tiles are assembled using steel rulers, similar to the assembly of roof tiles, while the partition tiles are assembled on steel wires with added metal rules. The totem bodies are stacked around a metal spine, creating a striking visual element.

On a day-to-day basis, the Nave system requires minimal interaction from the user. It is fully controlled by an irrigation system that maintains a constant state of climate comfort. Users have the option to pause, shut down, or reprogram the temperature and humidity settings, allowing for personalized comfort.

The development of Nave was not without its challenges. The designer had to transform an uncontrollable cooling principle into a controlled system, ensuring comfort and accuracy in water usage. Through extensive research and collaboration with a physicist, an irrigation formula was developed to optimize the system's performance.

Nave is a testament to the power of combining tradition with innovation. By reviving a traditional cooling solution and adapting it to modern needs, Yael Issacharov has created a sustainable and efficient design that brings comfort to desertic environments.

Images: CGI Artist Francesco Maria Lucini, 2020 (Images #1, #3, #4, #5); Noa Paul, 2020 (Image #2)

Intellectual Property Notice: Copyrights belong to Yael Issacharov, 2020

Awards and Accolades: Nave was awarded Bronze in the A' Building Materials and Construction Components Design Award in 2022. The design was recognized for its outstanding creativity, resourcefulness, and contribution to quality of life improvements.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Yael Issacharov
Image Credits: Images #1,#3,#4,#5 : CGI Artist Francesco Maria Lucini, 2020 Images #2: Noa Paul, 2020
Project Team Members: Yael Issacharov
Project Name: NAVE
Project Client: Yael Issacharov


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